Why Do We Pray In Jesus’ Name?

Why do many end their prayers “In Jesus’ name?” To figure this out, let us start with what prayer is. Prayer is holding a conversation and building a relationship with God by letting him know about every aspect of our life, including our problems and woes, as well as happiness and joy. Not that GodContinue reading “Why Do We Pray In Jesus’ Name?”

Verse of the day!

Have a blessed day being secure in your salvation. Checkout all my books https://amazon.com/author/dgladwell #God #Salvation #Bibleverse #inspiration #inspirational #motivational #Christianbooks #Christianauthor #Christianinspirational #Christianinspiration #Jesus #JesusChrist

I Stand with Israel

Sometimes the ignorance of people amazes me. “Do you see a person wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for them. Proverbs 26:12” Some side with terrorist who raped, decapitated and burned civilians in their homes. Terrorist even celebrated and videoed these acts. I hope no one in USAContinue reading “I Stand with Israel”

Verse of the day

From my garden to you, Have a blessed day! Checkout all my books https://amazon.com/author/dgladwell #God #flowers #inspiration #inspirational #Christianinspiration #Christianinspirational #motivational #Christianauthor #Christianblog #Christianbooks

Verse of the day

From my garden to you, have a beautiful blessed day! Checkout all my books at https://amazon.com/author/dgladwell #God #flowers #inspiration #inspirational #Christianinspiration #Christianinspirational #motivational #Christianauthor #Christianblog #Christianbooks

Verse of the day!

From my garden to you! Have a blessed and happy day! Check out all my books https://amazon.com/author/dgladwell  #God #flowers #inspiration #inspirational #Christianinspiration #Christianinspirational #motivational #Christianauthor #Christianblog #Christianbooks