Verse of the day!

Have a blessed day being secure in your salvation. Checkout all my books #God #Salvation #Bibleverse #inspiration #inspirational #motivational #Christianbooks #Christianauthor #Christianinspirational #Christianinspiration #Jesus #JesusChrist

Plan of Salvation

I would be amiss in writing about Jesus and not mentioning the free gift he came to give us, the plan of Salvation. Before Adam and Eve sinned, man was designed to live forever in harmony with God. After their sin, man became spiritually dead to God. This spiritual death caused a separation between manContinue reading “Plan of Salvation”

New Book Release, Who Is Jesus?

I have thoroughly enjoyed my journey in writing this fascinating book about Jesus from his birth to his resurrection and beyond. I myself have learned a few things I did not know. It is my deepest desire to share what I have learned with you. While researching and meditating on the Bible,  I found thatContinue reading “New Book Release, Who Is Jesus?”

The Sermon On The Mount

Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount of Olives in the synagogue of Capernaum. This was his most famous and the most famous sermon ever given by anyone. But what was the purpose of this sermon? The Bible tells us to teach his disciples and the multitude of people that were present.“And seeing the multitudes,Continue reading “The Sermon On The Mount”

Why Did Jesus Curse Capernaum, Chorazin, and Bethsaida?

Capernaum was the hometown of Matthew and was close to  Bethsaida, the hometown of Peter. It is in this area that Jesus recruited several of his disciples. The Bible indicates that Jesus stayed in the homes of his followers in Capernaum. It is noted that Jesus referred to Capernaum as his own city:“And he enteredContinue reading “Why Did Jesus Curse Capernaum, Chorazin, and Bethsaida?”

Why Did Jesus Move to Capernaum?

Why would Jesus leave his family and his childhood hometown? The number one reason that Jesus moved his home and base to Capernaum is to fulfill the prophecy found in Isaiah. We have no doubt that this move fulfilled the prophecy, as it is clearly spelled out in Matthew. “evertheless the dimness shall not beContinue reading “Why Did Jesus Move to Capernaum?”

Eighteen Missing Years!

After Jesus conversed in the temple with doctors, we are told that he went home with his parents and was subjected to them (under their authority as parents). Jesus was twelve years old when he disputed with the Rabbis at the temple but no more details were given of his life until he was baptizedContinue reading “Eighteen Missing Years!”

Verse of the day

I have a variety of Christian books for children & adults: #Christian #Christianauthor #Christianbooks #inspiration #inspirational #bibleverseoftheday #bible  

Jesus and Things!

A young child, riddled with cancer, lies in bed. Fear of the unknown written across his face. His mother asked, “What’s on your mind hon?” He replied, “Jesus and things, Jesus and things.” A young man waits to be deployed to war. As he sits, lost in thought, his wife asked, “What’s on your mindContinue reading “Jesus and Things!”

The Great Cover-Up!

Let us start with a Biblical reminder that there are no new sins in today’s world that have not been committed before in the history of man. “and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9c Today we are constantly amazed at the terrible happenings in the world. We are stunned that people, byContinue reading “The Great Cover-Up!”