Why Do We Pray In Jesus’ Name?

Why do many end their prayers “In Jesus’ name?” To figure this out, let us start with what prayer is. Prayer is holding a conversation and building a relationship with God by letting him know about every aspect of our life, including our problems and woes, as well as happiness and joy. Not that GodContinue reading “Why Do We Pray In Jesus’ Name?”

Plan of Salvation

I would be amiss in writing about Jesus and not mentioning the free gift he came to give us, the plan of Salvation. Before Adam and Eve sinned, man was designed to live forever in harmony with God. After their sin, man became spiritually dead to God. This spiritual death caused a separation between manContinue reading “Plan of Salvation”

New Book Release, Who Is Jesus?

I have thoroughly enjoyed my journey in writing this fascinating book about Jesus from his birth to his resurrection and beyond. I myself have learned a few things I did not know. It is my deepest desire to share what I have learned with you. While researching and meditating on the Bible,  I found thatContinue reading “New Book Release, Who Is Jesus?”

Beatitudes & Woes

BLESSINGS Jesus began his sermon with what is known as the Beatitudes, which is basically a simple list of virtues and values that will result in blessings and rewards. Their purpose is to help us understand the blessings God has in store for us and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. TheContinue reading “Beatitudes & Woes”

Eighteen Missing Years!

After Jesus conversed in the temple with doctors, we are told that he went home with his parents and was subjected to them (under their authority as parents). Jesus was twelve years old when he disputed with the Rabbis at the temple but no more details were given of his life until he was baptizedContinue reading “Eighteen Missing Years!”

Why Do We Pray In The Name Of Jesus?

Why do many end their prayers “In Jesus’ name?” To figure this out, let us start with what prayer is. Prayer is holding a conversation and building a relationship with God by letting him know about every aspect of our life, including our problems and woes, as well as happiness and joy. Not that GodContinue reading “Why Do We Pray In The Name Of Jesus?”

The Great White Throne Judgment

The Great White Throne Judgement is reserved for those who knowingly rejected salvation through Jesus Christ. Those who believe not that God is the only true and living God. Those who follow Satan because they enjoy their earthly lusts. This judgment should be feared. But some question if it is God or Jesus who isContinue reading “The Great White Throne Judgment”