Free E-book until June 23 – 27, 2022

Mrs. Noah’s cat, Wrinkles, had a front row seat to life as it was in Noah’s time. Deborah L. Gladwell spins an intriguing picture of Wrinkles experiencing the time of evil and cruelty before the Great Flood, the many years of hard work building the Ark, how Noah prepared for the long journey, the monthsContinue reading “Free E-book until June 23 – 27, 2022”

Summer Reading for Children

Are you looking for good books for your children to read this summer? Look no further! These are excellent Christian books that your child will love. Kindle unlimited-Free, Regular Ebook-$3.99, Book-$7.00

Adult and Children Books Under $10.00

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In the Beginning – Was the first sin after the Flood Drunkenness or Something Else?

Just because Noah and his family were found righteous in God’s eyes does not mean they would never sin. Man still has a free will and Satan will always prey upon it. We are told that Noah became a farmer and planted a vineyard of which he made wine. It also appears he loved drinkingContinue reading “In the Beginning – Was the first sin after the Flood Drunkenness or Something Else?”