Summer Reading for Children

Are you looking for good books for your children to read this summer? Look no further! These are excellent Christian books that your child will love. Kindle unlimited-Free, Regular Ebook-$3.99, Book-$7.00

Tall Tales

My father was one of the best storytellers in the world. He used to make up tales of wrestling alligators with his bare hands and putting a stick in their mouth to keep them from biting. He also spun some stories of defeating grizzly bears. My sisters and I loved his stories. One of myContinue reading “Tall Tales”

Storytelling for children

When you read to your child, do you just read the words? If you want your child to truly love to read, then make it fun. You can do this in many ways. Get into character, role play! You can do this by reading the book ahead of time and studying the characters. Then putContinue reading “Storytelling for children”