Who Has Dominion Over The Earth?

Many people believe that after Adam sinned, God gave Satan dominion over the Earth. This is somewhat true because this is when the earth and sky became polluted by sin, but after salvation, he is no longer your master. He does however have power over the fallen angels, devils, and demons. Satan has limited power.Continue reading “Who Has Dominion Over The Earth?”

Power Over All!

Often when people think of Jesus, they think of Christmas. Not only is this what they think of;  it is also the only time many think of Jesus at all. This Christmas thinking society has made Jesus into a cute little fairytale story. They could not be further from the truth. In fact, we willContinue reading “Power Over All!”

The Second Coming!

Why do Christians believe that Jesus will return a second time? Why is he going to come back? What will happen when he returns? Should we look forward to this time? A good Christian should seek the answers to these questions.             Jesus himself answered our first question of why Christians believe Jesus will returnContinue reading “The Second Coming!”

Mark of the Beast 666

You might be surprised that you really don’t know what the mark of the beast is, read & see.

The Entrance of the Antichrist!

The first 3 1/2 years of the Antichrist reign. What do you know about it. Check this out!

The Great White Throne Judgement!

The Great White Throne Judgement is reserved for those who knowingly rejected salvation through Jesus Christ. Those who believe not that God is the one and only true and living God. People who chose to follow Satan because they enjoy their earthly lusts. This judgement is one that should be feared by all. Some, asContinue reading “The Great White Throne Judgement!”

How Many Judgements do We Face?

Some believe that when you die that is the end, your body just lies in the ground and deteriorates until it is gone. Well, they are partially right; the bible tells us, “Ecclesiastes 3:20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.” However, that is not the endContinue reading “How Many Judgements do We Face?”

Can we be Bodily Possessed by Angels?

We oft times hear of people being demon possessed. Many doubt this, but the Bible does back up demon possessions. I believe that is a big part of world problems today, but I digress. The big question is can Angels bodily inhabit us? What is a demon? A demon(s) described by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is anContinue reading “Can we be Bodily Possessed by Angels?”